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The DLC Lab played an instrumental role in the Department of English and Comparative Literature’s celebration of 225 years of Rhetoric, Writing, Film and Literature at Carolina, planning and executing a variety of public humanities and community engagement projects. Graduate students in the DLC lab produced extensive social media campaigns to promote the events, celebrate departmental achievements, and engage the wider ECL community, published a series of news stories promoting the department through a celebration of student and faculty achievement and excellence, and designed and maintained the ECL 225 website. Additionally, the DLC lab researched, wrote, edited, and coded the departmental history timeline, researching university and departmental history using primary source documents from across various archives, both physical and digitized, and engaging in critical discussions about how best to shape a narrative that both accurately and openly acknowledges the inequities of our past and celebrates our achievements.

ECL 225 Website


Timeline of 225 Years of Rhetoric, Writing, Film and Literature at Carolina